Do I Need Glasses?
I have my "word verification" for comments turned on so I can avoid spam comments inviting me to check out their poker site or god knows what else - so I see how this feature is useful...
Why in the hell do they have to warp the letters like that?
Damn near every time I leave a comment, I have to try at least 3 times until eventually they give me 5 simple letters and it looks more reasonable. Sometimes I think it's just a cruel joke by some guy behind the scenes that somehow sees me and is laughing his ass off.
So is it just me that has a problem reading the "Alice In Wonderland letters?"
Or is this pretty common?
If it's not, then maybe I do need to get some specs; THEN, I could be an official dork, yay!
Oh, and so all of you know..I recently found out that Bacardi is excellent with some Strawberry Cranberry Ocean Spray, as well as Apple Cranberry. It is very tasty and light, much better than Bacardi and Coke in my opinion. Plus you can fit your fruit servings in for the day, so I say...
I was told the letters look like that so another computer can't read it and leave spam on your comments. But you may need glasses as I can't see it without mine. And why do you think it will make you look like a dork? They got some really cool ones now. Hell some stars wear them just to look cool now days. Do I look like a dork? I think it makes me look studious.:)
It can only make you look like you are, a very smart woman. I am not the only one that thinks that.
I hate that too; especially when I can't make out the stupid fake word and get it wrong! I know why they do it, just wish they would try a better way to weed out the bad guys.
ok so i also understand y they have the crazy letters, just wish it was easier. i've seen ones that were worse. like there are ones that have stuff running through the letters and that really throws me....and i've never tried reading them without my contacts in so i cant tell u if ud need glasses. altho u would look pretty cool in glasses. altho some people who have glasses do look like dorks, some who have left comments to this particular post and have a pic of themself with offense, maybe its just a bad pic.
i think my letters are "khnidyvs"....i feel high
LOL - Man..are you in the mood to start some trouble?!?! hehe
That's like birth father your talking about. And he looks a lot like me, so I can't complain too much...I mean I look good..sooo..haha.
Silly Masked Stranger.. ;)
Good thing I don't care what others think of me anymore, or masked stranger would need a mask if you know what I mean.
I didn’t know I was dyslexic until I started using word verification.
sorry that was kinda to see what trouble id start...i didnt really mean anything by it...once again i apologize
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