Friday, December 01, 2006


The past two days we've been spoiled, it's been sunny for the most part, and we've had highs in the 60's!

It seems like it's back to normal now though. Today has been really windy and rainy and we have flood warnings all over the place...then nothing but snow predicted for the next 5 days. Fun!

Anyway. So that's your northern New York weather report...enjoy!

How's the weather in your neck of the woods? I read a quick headline that said the Midwest was having a winter storm?


Dwain said...

Yesterday ice and snow and bitter cold wind. Today the sun came out and is melting some of it. Been telling everyone its Santa weather!

Maurissa said...

The lows for us (I think) are in the 30's. But this is California, and we were being spoiled with cold but sunny days, and clear nights.


I would love to experience a New England/East Coast/Midwest winter.

poody said...

Been a little chiily here too. It was 32 degrees when I got up this morning that is cold when you have only a sweater in your cold weather wardrobe!