Thursdays Confession
(I think I'm going to start doing this every's fun!)
It's nothing new to Andrew...but for all of you who don't know out there...
I have a "thing" for cute bald guys with goatees. Sit me next to one, and I can't keep my hands to myself..hehe. Ok maybe it's not that bad, but it always gets my head turning.
So now I'm about to sound like I'm 13, and I don't care what any of you think!
Chris Daughtry is so damn H-O-T with a capital H (and O&T) he's got that nice smooth bald head, a wicked goatee and eyes that melt right through to my heart. :) Plus he can sing his ass off. I'm so enamored...
I hear ya sister! When he was on Idol, I caught myself drooling several times! Damon would just roll his eyes. I can't say anything that you haven't already; he IS Damn HOT!
FYI - I gave your blog address to my brother Al's youngest son who is taking a course in art. He wanted to see your art.
i love love love this guy! He is playing a gig here in town and the tickets sold out before they went on sale??!! WTF?? I am so BUMMED about this you have no idea!!!I have the CD it is all good!!
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