Sunday, February 04, 2007

My First Blizzard... (awwww)

Oh MY GOD...

Yesterday I took pictures of all the snow we've been getting..cause it's quite a bit in my definition. We got at least a foot and a half yesterday.

So here are the pics of that:

But all that was NOTHING!!! Cause look what we woke up too!! Trying to take some of these pictures, as I was standing in it, it was past my waist! And I am not a short 5'6 I'm pretty average. You can barly even see across the street, and even as I snapped the pics, it's was still snowing away....the weather man said 5-6 inches an hour for MOST OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!

Now this is what I call SNOW!!! I am speechless!!

**UPDATE** It's about 4 pm and it's still snowing. I think we're up to about 3 1/2 FT now, with a possibility of 5 FT by morning..It's a good thing Andrew's not flying in anytime soon, cause I wouldn't be able to go get him! I heard last night a flight came in around 11pm and after the ceremony and everything it was almost 1am and a lot of the people couldn't get off post. That would suck big time. Anyway, check out my PHOTO ALBUM for some more pics of the snow!


Anonymous said...

I can relate...we had almost a half inch of snow here as well!! :)

Glenda said...

A half inch! Oh my!! HA HA

I have to say though..snow in these proportions is pretty damn cool if you ask me! I'm just glad I'm stocked up on groceries and don't need anything!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, do they still have school in this weather???


Anonymous said...

Hey Glenda, I'm Cathy...Dwain's sister...I can not believe how much snow you've got. I have been looking at your blog for sometime's really interesting. Take care of yourself and the girls.

Anonymous said...

Hey so Saturday it was a blizzard here while i was working and me and a supervisor went out to shovel and when we got done with abt 20 feet of the walkway we looked back and saw another inch where we started shoveling from....5 feet is alot even for new york. but hey welcome to new york. Stay warm its been quite cold in these parts lately

Anonymous said...

I like snow and all but not that much!

Glenda said...

Hey Cathy! That's cool that you read my blog, hope I don't bore ya too much :) thanks for the comment!

Jason - Um's been damn cold, but since I can't drive too well in all the snow, I'm keeping pretty warm ! You been out snowboarding yet?

Dwain - Ahh come on! You can build igloos in this stuff! haha

Anonymous said...

I went snowboarding once this year as it got colder but I realized how expensive it is when i dont have a car thats paid off now so i've backed out of it a bit but that one time gave me a good fix. And when I went I prolly shouldnt have gone because in december i threw my back out....i know im sorta young to have done that but i slipped in some mud while lifting a bag of concrete and that didnt do wonders for me and the chiropractor dude was like take it easy and i went boarding the next week. lol good times.