Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Abstract Expressionism!

Yes..I should be in bed, and I'm about to be...


I finally discovered the name for the kind of art I not only create, but also really like. Kind of silly I know, but I've been wanting to find the technical name for it, because all I knew is that I paint a certain way, and one half of it would be abstract, because it's definitely not realism...but I knew it had something more because the term "Abstract" is very broad. My style isn't anything "literal" or just is, and it sort of takes on a life of it's own.

So anyway, then I found this:

"In abstract expressionism the "act" of painting becomes the "content" of the
painting. Through gestural movements the artist is attempting to unleash their
raw emotions, not paint pretty pictures."

And I knew I had the name -- which makes me happy. It was something so simple that I didn't know, and now I have a name for my style, which is very cool.

Here's a little more in-depth, and now I'm going to go and try to get some sleep; lord knows I need some.

"Abstract Expressionism or abstract expressionism - A painting movement in which artists typically applied paint rapidly, and with force to their huge canvas in an effort to show feelings and emotions, painting gesturally, non-geometrically, sometimes applying paint with large brushes, sometimes dripping or even throwing it onto canvas. Their work is characterized by a strong dependence on what appears to be accident and chance, but which is actually highly planned. Some Abstract Expressionist artists were concerned with adopting a peaceful and mystical approach to a purely abstract image. Usually there was no effort to represent subject matter. Not all work was abstract, nor was all work expressive, but it was generally believed that the spontaneity of the artists' approach to their work would draw from and release the creativity of their unconscious minds. This expressive method of painting was often considered as important as the painting itself."


Anonymous said...

sounds like u got your artistic stylings labeled pretty nicely there

Dwain said...

Thats cool. I sent a picture of your art on my wall to my brother and he really liked it.

Anonymous said...

the beauty you create cannot be defined...I like it that way :)