Abstract Expressionism!
Yes..I should be in bed, and I'm about to be...
I finally discovered the name for the kind of art I not only create, but also really like. Kind of silly I know, but I've been wanting to find the technical name for it, because all I knew is that I paint a certain way, and one half of it would be abstract, because it's definitely not realism...but I knew it had something more because the term "Abstract" is very broad. My style isn't anything "literal" or real..it just is, and it sort of takes on a life of it's own.
So anyway, then I found this:
"In abstract expressionism the "act" of painting becomes the "content" of the
painting. Through gestural movements the artist is attempting to unleash their
raw emotions, not paint pretty pictures."
And I knew I had the name -- which makes me happy. It was something so simple that I didn't know, and now I have a name for my style, which is very cool.
Here's a little more in-depth, and now I'm going to go and try to get some sleep; lord knows I need some.
sounds like u got your artistic stylings labeled pretty nicely there
Thats cool. I sent a picture of your art on my wall to my brother and he really liked it.
the beauty you create cannot be defined...I like it that way :)
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