Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Good Things

I finally went through my entire user manual for my new digital camera. (well it's not exactly new, but close)

It has way more features than I thought it had. I can set it to take black and white pictures, or put it in "macro" mode -- where the main object of the photo is in focus, but everything behind it is out of focus and blurred. (a very cool effect in my opinion) I've read about a countless number of features...now to put them into action!

PLUS I can exchange lenses if I want to. True..I'd have to be able to afford to get a "conversion lens adapter" as well as the lens. But still. It's an option, and options are GOOD.

I'm looking forward to trying it all out, to say the least :)

Another good thing to make note of is "The Adam Carolla Project" on TLC. That man is hilarious, not too mention HOT. Yeah I said it. It's something about his confidence and sense of humor that totally has me sold.

Anyway, here's a summary of it all:

"Long before the one-and-only Adam Carolla became known for his work in television and radio, he was a bona fide carpenter working with a crew of his misfit friends. Adam's self-described "horribly ill-fated plan" for the The Adam Carolla Project is to buy a house with his own money, renovate it with his crew of "unemployable idiots," as he describes them, and then try and sell it for a million dollars."

I'm the type of girl who loves to get her hands dirty, so needless to say I'm loving the show so far. I only wish I had the money to buy a house, gut the inside, and rebuild it. How damn awesome would that be??

One of these days.

Know that. :)


Anonymous said...

Haven't watched the show yet but was thinking about it. Buy a house and make it your own would be cool. One of these days.

Anonymous said...

i saw the commercial for the show and it looked great....I was kinda envious...I wanna do that...i worked for a remodeling company this summer and it was sooooo much fun because it was always these rich people's homes that decided to remodel becuase they had money. They're like hey our kitchen is beautiful and all but we want it redone....mmmm tearing apart kitchens...fun stuff...ok im rambling...btw...sounds like a cool camera! Need film? i got an inside man in kodak...;-)

Anonymous said...

i took a look at ur pics...cute kids. and is that a buffalo wild wings????? i didnt realize they had them in other places.

Oh and in case anybody cares (all people should) THE YANKEES WON!!! 4-2!!!

Sorry i'll shut up now

Glenda said...

I helped remodel houses when I was 15 and 16 too. Basically all they let me do was paint, but it was cool. I made $75 a week..whoo hoo!

And yeah that was a Buffalo Wild Wings :) Yummm

Who are the Yankees? That's a hockey team right? ;)

Anonymous said...

omg ur kidding right?!? The yankees are the best baseball team ever. *Breathes into paper bag* (repeats)"it'll be ok, it'll be ok" how do u not know the yankees.