Sunday, May 22, 2005


Yes..I need help. I got this template off the web though, so it didn't take long too fine tune, 20 minutes actually. I like the little reaper guy in the sold me. So I just might keep this template for a while? Wonder what the odds are? If anyone reads this blog on a daily or semi daily basis, they know I'm a little fickle when trying to stick with what my blog is going to look like. It's kind of funny; I still need some professional help though. :)

My weekend was totally worthless. I didn't do ANYTHING, just stayed home and played out in the backyard with the kids, I got a little inflatable pool "castle," so I laid back, and got a little sun. Notice...I said "a little" I went for about 30 minutes without putting on sunscreen, any longer...and I would be a lobster. Baby steps ;) It's the whole red hair thing, it always gets in the way.

Anyway, I guess everything else is going ok. I'm in my own hidden funk, but I'm hoping to start fresh tomorrow, it being a Monday and all. I still hate Monday's but it's also a good time to get started on the right foot. I finally called my mother today. It had been nearly 3 weeks, and I didn't do it on purpose, but the longer it went without me calling her, the worse I felt about it, so I didn't call her because I felt guilty. Stupid huh? I broke the cycle today though, so I don't want to get back in it. I'm going to call her again WED, and send her a little package tomorrow. That alone should lift me up a little. I hate having a weight on my shoulder because of something I did, or didn't do. My conscience is too damn big! So I end up retreating into myself...which is never good..not as deep as I go.

Here's to Monday....don't disappoint me!! :)

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