Wednesday, August 08, 2007

My fingers are crossed!

Usually I don't have much time on the computer for blogging or emailing after Thursday. When everyone else is gearing up for the weekend, I'm gearing up for a long weekend at work. Fri-Mon my hours are usually so crazy the only thing I want to do when I'm home is sleep!

Last Friday when I went to work I found out that there was a full time position open, Midnight till 8am M-F. I put in for it, and hopefully tomorrow I'll see if I got it. It would be perfect because I'd still put Audrey in part-time care during the day so I could get some sleep, and then I'd always be home for when Taylor got out of school, and to make dinner and all that stuff. Not too mention I'd get weekends off! That would be sweet! Anyway, I'll let you know when I know.

Tomorrow my job has a company picnic thing. All the residents families are invited, as well as staff and our families. They're going to give tours of one of the cottages and have all sorts of games and face painting for the kids. It should be fun, and the girls will get a kick out of getting to see where I work.

There's nothing else going on really. I just re-covered from work yesterday, and today I was out all day registering Audrey for pre-school, getting my hair done, and doing a little fun.

1 comment:

poody said...

Good luck on the shift you want girlie!